Books To Get You Motivated

Balancing motivation, mindfulness, and well-being, with work, friendships, and play can be tough! Especially in your twenties. Your twenties is the time when things are just starting to take shape, and we start figuring out who we are and what we want in this crazy world.

We’re choosing careers, our relationships are blossoming (or fading), new connections are being made, and we’re discovering ourselves! With the added pressure of social media, and what everyone else is doing, plus all those beauty ‘ideals’ that are always being thrown at us, it can be easy to lose encouragement.

Sometimes we feel a bit down, or like we're falling behind. When we think like this, all we might need is some motivation. If you’re anything like me, then procrastination is your worst enemy. I can find literally, a thousand other things to focus my energy on rather than the things that I know will better me in the long run. Motivation can only come from within, but the key to unlocking your journey could be hiding elsewhere - a good book maybe?



There are thousands of blogs and inspirational talks on the web, but having something physical you can access wherever and whenever you want is just magical.

There is nothing like the raw beauty of feeling the pages of a good book, plus the simplicity of having everything right there in front of you. It beats staring at a screen for hours on end or scrolling through websites of corny quotes.

There’s no shame in admitting you need a bit of help. A good book might be the key to finding the potential you’re looking for, or maybe it might answer some questions you didn’t know you wanted to ask. So to help you help yourself, I’ve devised a short list of some incredible must-reads.



The Untethered Soul by Michael Singer 

This one is about freeing yourself from your thoughts and living in the moment. If you’re an over-thinker, then this could be the go-to read for you. It’s powerful and wise and stands out amongst the many books I’ve read. It's written with the intention of helping you to understand yourself. It ’s a lighthearted book and easy to read so you won’t lose concentration easily.



You are the Universe: Discovering Your Cosmic Self and Why It Matters by Deepak Chopra and Menas Kafatos 

This is a book that goes beyond science to look at our own individual places in the universe. If you’re feeling at all insignificant, then you need to pick up this book. It’s honestly such an incredible read that will make you believe that the universe want’s you to succeed. It is very ‘sciencey’ which might put some people off, but if you keep reading, you’ll discover how magical life is. The authors explore ideas of a conscious universe and how maybe visualizing and telling the world what you want in your life might actually help you get it. 



It’s Only Too Late If You Don’t Start Now by Barbara Sher

This one is for the girls - young and old. Both you and your mum should read this one. Lots of motivational books are aimed at young people looking for career hacks and life goals, but Barbara writes to all ages. She mentions a whole lot of motivational techniques and practical exercises that will make it super easy to manage your life. It’s also the best read for the girls who are tired of getting their heart broken and having to find their self-confidence again and again. Epic advice from someone who has been in your shoes.


“When you play it too safe, you’re taking the biggest risk of your life. Time is the only wealth we’re given.”



The Power of Now - Eckhart Tolle

The book to claims to be the guide to enlightenment and it is. This one is all about learning to embrace the present moment and live in the now, which is pretty hard to do at all times. In today's world, we're always distracted by so many things inside and outside that it's almost impossible to find stillness. If you're constantly stressing about the future or you easily get caught up with things that happened months ago, then this book will most likely help you. The whole book is a series of real questions and in-depth answers that Tolle uses to help the reader understand how incredible it is to live in the now.


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